We are excited about the newest members of the Sparks family! Thanks to Zac’s Reef for the saltwater aquarium in seventh grade science and the clownfish! #sparkpride!
Chik-Fil-A fundraiser tomorrow! We will have a place to pull off in the carline for purchase! #sparkpride!
It's ARRRRRguably one of our favorite days of the year in 6th grade! #talklikeapirateday #sparkpride #sparkfun
It's ARRRRRguably one of our favorite days of the year in 6th grade! #talklikeapirateday #sparkpride #sparkfun
Our seventh grade performing arts class writing scripts! #sparkpride!
Wear your HOUSE SHIRTS on Friday to show your school spirit! #sparkpride
Girls' basketball conditioning starts on Monday. #sparkpride
We appreciate our Career Development Facilitator, Hannah Smith, doing some great professional development with our teachers! #sparkpride!
This Friday, 9/16 is the LAST day to get a yearbook for the LOWEST PRICE OF THE YEAR and to get some cool FREE stuff! Be sure to order by Friday for this deal----order today at www.jostens.com/yearbooks OR call 1-877-767-5217.
This Thursday, 9/15 is MAKE-UP PICTURE DAY. If you have not had your photo taken yet, please plan to have it made on Thursday. All students must have a school photo taken.
Remember to show your support for our volleyball team tomorrow! #sparkpride
Help cheer on the LADY SPARKS next Tuesday! #sparkpride
Wear your HOUSE SHIRTS on Friday to show your school spirit! #sparkpride
Our Sparks played well tonight defeating Starr-Iva in our Jamboree! Congratulations! Go Sparks! # sparkpride
6th grade ELA students performed character surgery on Joey Pigza, the main character in the novel they are currently reading. They worked together in the "operating room" to analyze elements of the story, cite textual evidence, and learn about character development in the story.
6th grade ELA students performed character surgery on Joey Pigza, the main character in the novel they are currently reading. They worked together in the "operating room" to analyze elements of the story, cite textual evidence, and learn about character development in the story.
Agriculture Club meets this Wednesday from 3:30-4:30pm with Mr. Bramblett. #sparkpride #sparklearning
Students received information today for ordering yearbooks, purchasing 8th Grade Ads for the yearbook, and ordering school portraits. Please check for those flyers to come home. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Eller at dedeeller@pickens.k12.sc.us. #sparkpride
Pickens Middle is excited to announce that Mrs. Dana Fowler was recently selected as the August Teacher of the Month! We are thankful that Mrs. Fowler joined our faculty this year---congratulations! #sparkpride
6th grade showed out on Friday-almost 100% participated in HOUSE SPIRIT day by wearing their shirts! #sparkpride